Monday, March 29, 2010

Grapes of Wrath

Chapter 1- we are introduced to the setting where we read about the poor conditions and the dust bowl. The area is pretty much dead because of the dust and lack of rain. None of the farmers are able to raise crops so the men have to find other things to do.
Chapter 2- We are introduced to a truck driver who is sitting in a little cafe talking to the waitress. He sounds like he's been drivng trucks for a while and understands how things work. He pcks up a hitchhiker on the way out of the cafe, even though he isn't supposed to. While they're driving along the truck driver keeps trying to start a conversation, but the man is strangely quiet. After a while, the hitchhiker tells his name is Joad. At the end of the ride, Joad tells the truck driver his secret, he's been in jail for killing a guy.

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